Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure your article matches with the Blog objective
  • We will appreciate if the article talks more about your experience. This helps in making the readers connect to your article.
  • Please get your topics approved once before submitting the article
  • Your articles once submitted, will be reviewed by the Editor and then published. This would ideally take 1 -2 days
  • In order to maintain the interest of the reader, please keep your articles interactive
  • If you are taking a reference from any article published earlier by someone else, please quote the reference source. This is to avoid Plagiarism
  • If you are quoting some statistics/figures, please mention the source of the same
  • The article should be minimum 500 words. Articles with lesser number of words can be considered depending on the content quality
  • If the article is found inappropriate to be published in the blog,the Editor holds the authority to not publish the same.
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