The designated Dirty Ugly Fat Friend (DUFF) does not actually mean ugly or fat…. it’s just ‘that’ person in a team in every organisation – who are less popular but are the most accessible than any other within the crew. To keep it simple they tend to be a third wheel.
Generally, people exploit The DUFF to get to popular people or get their work done. We are all treated like a DUFF sometimes, only because we fall into our own trap of not taking stock of such situations.
Some honest tips that could help you from getting out of the DUFF syndrome…
DUFF TIP #1 – Be aware of your Best.
The office is a modern-day jungle…. getting into an instinctive reaction will identify you as an easy pushover and people will easily take you for granted. Being best require consciously choosing your reactions to situations. How do you decide? This leads to next tip…
DUFF TIP #2 – Are you going to accomplish anything?
Be a person who is matured, strategic and can be delegated for bigger responsibilities. Conflicts are a self defeating approach. A better way would be to analyse the pros and cons and position yourself with a positive attitude and approach.
DUFF TIP #3 – Circle of Influence
Often, you have very little control over corporate politics among business goals. You might be pulled into a dirty “pigs fight” but it is just short-term bitching without any result.
Instead of taking sides, just focus on things that you can help normalise the situation – Practically, your circle of influence. You may not be able to change or decide the outcome eventually but you can always walk away that you have done the best within the given circumstances and someone who is understanding and positive.
DUFF TIP #4 – Do not get Personal
In corporate, you will get angry. You sometimes feel like giving your piece of mind. But – Don’t.
People tend to remember moments when they are humiliated. Always remember what goes around comes around, especially at the workplace. Always, hold your temper at work place.
Even if you’re a feather on a hat, your boss could be helpless on your promotion if you’re not able to control your emotional outburst.
DUFF TIP #5 – Cup and Saucer
We are all taught to win; losing is unacceptable in today’s worlds. We are afraid to let someone else win… this is our schooling.
It doesn’t work that way at the workplace. Learn to think – “How do we all Win-Win?” Be a “Cup and Saucer” enduring strategy that builds allies and help you win in the long-term.
Go On…. BLUFF the DUFF out of you!!!
Gladys Durairaj
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